Chinese translation for "safeguards agreement"
- 保障监督协定
Related Translations:
safeguard: 1.保护,赶卫,守护。2.防护设施,装置;安全保护物,防护物 (against)。3.卫兵;警卫船。4.通行证;(军用)护照,安全证〔免受逮捕或伤害〕 (=safe-conduct)。5.【机械工程】护轮轨条;排障器。6.保护措施,保证条款。7.(美反弹道导[飞]弹系统的)卫兵式导[飞]弹 (safeguarding duties 〔英国〕保护关税。 safeguard a
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The competent government department is responsible for organizing the implementation of the safeguard agreement between china and the iaea 国家主管部门负责组织实施中国和国际原子能机构缔结的保障协定。 | | 2. | Because of the foundation of safeguard agreement in 1994 , the controversy came to an initial conclusion that safeguard measures cannot be implemented selectively in principle 纷争因1994年《保障措施协议》的缔结而有了初步结论,即原则上保障措施实施不得带有选择性。 | | 3. | But the controversy does not terminate yet , and selective safeguard is still survived in the current frame of wto . there are mainly three aspects : firstly , safeguard agreement itself reserved a leeway for selective safeguard measure 但纷争远未因此终止,选择性保障措施仍然残存于现行wto框架之中,主要表现为三个方面:第一, 《保障措施协议》本身保留了选择性保障措施的余地。 | | 4. | Under a nuclear safeguards agreement , australia will need to accept chinese assurances that any uranium exported from australia would be used for peaceful purposes only , and that it would comply with the international nuclear non - proliferation treaty ( npt ) 在一项核能源安全控制协议下,澳大利亚需要中国保证任何输出的铀都只能用于和平的目的,这也和澳大利亚参加的国际核不扩散条约( npt )一致。 | | 5. | The second is korea , where the entire international community now confronts a north korean regime that has violated its own commitments to the nonproliferation treaty , the agreed framework , its iaea safeguards agreement , and the joint south - north denuclearization declaration 整个国际社会现在面对着这样一个北韩政权:它违反自己对《不扩散条约》 、 《核框架协议》 、国际原子能机构( iaea )保障措施协议以及南北双方《无核化联合声明》的承诺。 | | 6. | Investing a respect , the both contracting parties in the safeguard agreement of 70 many bilateral investment that our country and foreign country sign gives the other side to be in in the investor of its churchyard the most - favoured - nation treatment of the respect such as investment and the most - favoured - nation treatment in investing concerned activity and the losing compensation that because the war is mixed , revolution causes 在投资方面,我国与外国签订的70多个双边投资保护协定中缔约双方给予对方在其境内的投资者在投资与投资有关的活动中的最惠国待遇以及由于战争和革命造成的损失的补偿等方面的最惠国待遇。 | | 7. | The recipient government has concluded a valid safeguards agreement with the iaea , promises to include in that agreement china - supplied nuclear materials , nuclear equipment , or non - nuclear materials used for reactors as well as special fissile materials produced through the use of the said nuclear materials and equipment , and accepts iaea safeguards (四)接受方保证,未经中国国家原子能机构事先书面同意,不向第三方再转让中国所供应的核材料、核设备或者反应堆用非核材料及其相关技术;经事先同意进行再转让的,接受再转让的第三方应当承担相当于由中国直接供应所承担的义务。 |
- Similar Words:
- "safeguarding duties" Chinese translation, "safeguarding mechanism" Chinese translation, "safeguarding of assets" Chinese translation, "safeguarding structure" Chinese translation, "safeguards" Chinese translation, "safeguards agreement pursuant to the npt" Chinese translation, "safeguards analysis" Chinese translation, "safeguards and material management" Chinese translation, "safeguards approach" Chinese translation, "safeguards committee" Chinese translation